Touseef Qureshi

Company: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Job title: Assistant Professor
Panel Discussion: Delving into the Ethical, Economic & Legal Barriers to AI Algorithm Application in Ophthalmic Trials 9:00 am
Addressing the complexity of sourcing and processing images from multiple providers while maintaining data integrity and compliance Navigating patient privacy and data security Exploring strategies to demonstrate the clinical validity of AI algorithms and secure Phase 3 trials and market approvalRead more
day: Conference Day One
Predicting Pancreatic Cancer Using AI Analysis of Fundus Images of the Retina of Diabetic Patients to Allow for Earlier Detection 12:30 pm
Exploring the potential presence of early signs of pancreatic cancer in the retina Using AI to analyze retinal vessels and identify distinct features in diabetic individuals who may later develop pancreatic cancer Developing an AI-based prediction model to forecast pancreatic cancer in diabetic patients by analyzing both retinal and pancreatic data which will eventually help…Read more
day: Conference Day One